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The Transcript Series
Love: Dark Night and Living Flame and The Glory of the Infinite
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

The Foundation is happy to announce the publication of Volume Ten in The Transcript Series, which contains edited transcripts of two programs. Every serious student of A Course in Miracles is sure to deepen their understanding of the Course through engagement with this undeniably powerful teaching of Kenneth Wapnick.

The edited transcripts are not verbatim to the edited audio recordings of the same titles.

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The Ego's Use of Virtue

Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
July 2007

This program explores our misguided efforts to demonstrate our goodness through "good intentions." "Good intentions" come from a failure to recognize and understand the illusory nature of the separation from God, the ego self, the world that follows from it, and the meaning of forgiveness. And so we mistakenly believe there is something we need to do about the world or thinking that comes of our self without the healed perception that reflects Jesus' teachings. This program discusses the implications for our everyday lives of learning not to trust our good intentions as we grow in our awareness of our sameness as the one Son of God and gain the willingness to choose once again.

Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes

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