Featured Items for January

Featured Items

by Dr. Kenneth Wapnick

Kenneth has often referred to what he calls the Course's New Year's prayer that comes at the end of Chapter 15 in the text. He has commented on one sentence in particular from that passage: "Make this year different by making it all the same." We make it "all the same" by recognizing our shared interest with everyone. For this new year, we have selected two publications that reflect the theme of sameness in ways that may inspire students to a deeper, kinder practice of the Course in all our relationships, including our relationship with ourselves. 

Who is Unwelcome to the Kind in Heart?
Not One Does Christ Forget

Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

Who is Unwelcome
to the Kind in Heart?
Not One Does Christ Forget
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

The two programs included in this set share the theme of the need for our forgiveness and our kindness to embrace everyone without exception. In putting this into practice, we learn to see how we are all the same at the only level that matters, as minds struggling with the guilt and pain of our belief in separation. As what makes us different as bodies fades in importance, we come to recognize what makes us the same, our shared purpose and need to awaken from the dream of conflict and loss through forgiveness. This sameness reflects our ultimate Oneness as God’s Son.

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The Loving Use of the Body

Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

The Loving Use of the Body

Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

The kindness we learn to extend to others through the practice of forgiveness must also be extended to ourselves, reflected in a gentle perception and use of our own body. The two programs in this publication explore how, despite the differences among bodies and the limitations we may perceive in our own, we can rise above them when we recognize that, as minds, we all share a common purpose. We now learn to see our body as an essential part of our classroom, with gratitude for the function it serves in our shared healing and awakening.

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