Current Information

The Transcript Series

Love: Dark Night and Living Flame
The Glory of the Infinite
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph. D.

Love: Dark Night
and Living Flame
The Glory of the Infinite

Kenneth Wapnick, Ph. D.

The Foundation is happy to announce the publication of Volume Ten in The Transcript Series, which contains edited transcripts of two programs. Every serious student of A Course in Miracles is sure to deepen their understanding of the Course through engagement with this undeniably powerful teaching of Kenneth Wapnick.

The edited transcripts are not verbatim to the edited audio recordings of the same titles.

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Paperback Book

ePub Download

Amazon Kindle

New Audio Release

"Trust Not Your Good Intentions":
The Ego's Use of Virtue
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph. D.

"Trust Not Your Good Intentions":
The Ego's Use of Virtue
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph. D.

This program explores our misguided efforts to demonstrate our goodness through "good intentions." "Good intentions" come from a failure to recognize and understand the illusory nature of the separation from God, the ego self, the world that follows from it, and the meaning of forgiveness. And so we mistakenly believe there is something we need to do about the world or thinking that comes of our self without the healed perception that reflects Jesus' teachings. This program discusses the implications for our everyday lives of learning not to trust our good intentions as we grow in our awareness of our sameness as the one Son of God and gain the willingness to choose once again.

July 2007
Duration: 2 hours 40 minutes

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3 Audio CD Set

MP3 Download

Audio Stream

Amazon Kindle

Various book are now available on Amazon Kindle.

Various book are now available
on Amazon Kindle.

Interactive Live Streaming Class

Live Streaming Class

Encounters with Ken

Dr. Jeffrey Seibert conducts this weekly live interactive class where we view segments of a video of a program taught by Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, and you have opportunities to get answers to your questions.

Currently Viewing
through April 9th

Day 2 of 5

Upcoming Video
begins April 16th

Day 3 of 5

Foundation for Inner Peace has recently published the two supplements to A Course in Miracles under a single cover, titled Supplements to "A Course in Miracles": Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice; The Song of Prayer: Prayer, Forgiveness, Healing. We currently have a few copies of the single Psychotherapy pamphlet available for purchase until they are sold out.

A Course in Miracles is now available in an audio app

The Foundation for Inner Peace has just released the ACIM Audio App, a mobile app that allows you to listen to the Course and personalize the experience for your study needs.  Now available for both Android and iPhone.

Learn more about the app at

A Course in Miracles 
is now available in
an audio app

The Foundation for Inner Peace has just released the ACIM Audio App, a mobile app that allows you to listen to the Course and personalize the experience for your study needs. Now available for both Android and iPhone.

Learn more about the app at

Streaming Website

Our revamped streaming website features the full library of Dr. Kenneth Wapnick's teachings on A Course in Miracles in audio and video format. We are also introducing a number of program titles in enhanced widescreen video format and will be adding more on an ongoing basis. Stream your products on a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet, or a phone. All you need is an internet browser and an internet connection to access your purchases at any time and at any location.

Featured Items

Featured Items by Dr. Kenneth Wapnick for the month, view here.

Spanish Translation of Books

Translation of Books

Prácticamente la totalidad de los libros de FACIM están traducidos al español, o bien por la propia Foundation for A Course in Miracles o por Ediciones El Grano de Mostaza de Barcelona, debemos recordar que el español fue el primero de los idiomas en que Un curso de milagros se tradujo.

El proposito fundacional de Ediciones El Grano de Mostaza fue difundir el mensaje del Curso y nadie más adecuado, calificado y bondadoso que Kenneth Wapnick, que sin sus enseñanzas nos seria mucho más dificil entenderlo y practicar el Curso, por ello aprovechamos para mostrar nuestra gratitud hacia Ken y Gloria Wapnick y a todos los miembros pasados y presentes de FACIM. 

Adjuntamos la página de nuestra web de Kenneth Wapnick y nuestra página principal.

Practically all of FACIM’s books have been translated into Spanish, either by the Foundation for A Course in Miracles itself or by Ediciones El Grano de Mostaza of Barcelona. We must remember that Spanish was the first language into which A Course in Miracles was translated.

The founding purpose of Ediciones El Grano de Mostaza was to spread the message of the Course and no one more suitable, qualified and kind than Kenneth Wapnick, who without his teachings would be much more difficult for us to understand and practice the Course, so we take this opportunity to show our gratitude to Ken and Gloria Wapnick and to all past and present members of FACIM. 

Kenneth Wapnick's web page: click here

Our website: El Grando de Mostaza


You can also find our publications of Kenneth's books in Spanish on

Ordering on our website from the main countries in Latin America will result in the books being printed locally and delivered directly from the printer to the delivery address. The prices on our website are in local currency.

In Latin America, our main distributor is Editorial Océano. You can find Kenneth’s books in local bookshops located in several countries:

Norwegian Translation of Absence from Felicity

Norwegian Translation
of Absence from Felicity

Historien om Et Kurs i Mirakler, the Norwegian translation of Absence from Felicity had just been published by the Foundation in PDF format. You can find this product here.

German Translation of Books

Translation of Books

The following Foundation books have been translated into German: The Most Commonly Asked Questions About A Course in Miracles, A Talk Given on A Course in Miracles, Glossary-Index for A Course in Miracles, The Fifty Miracle Principles of A Course in Miracles, Forgiveness and Jesus, Awaken from the Dream, Absence from Felicity, A Course in Miracles and Christianity: A Dialogue, The Message of A Course in Miracles, and A Vast Illusion. Several audiotapes have also been translated into German. If you are interested in ordering, please contact: Greuthof Verlag und Vertrieb GmbH, Kybfelsenstraße 41, D-79100 Freiburg., Germany, Tel. 49-761-388 45 996, FAX 49-761-388 45 997.

French Translation of Books

Translation of Books

The French Course website— —on Kenneth Wapnick's suggestion, was launched and is hosted by Bernard Groom, who was also encouraged by Kenneth to teach the Course. You will find a wealth of material about the A Course in Miracles, Bernard’s teachings, and translated writings of Kenneth’s on the site. (Material translated by volunteers and checked by a member of the German and French Course translation teams as Kenneth expressly wished it back in spring 2013.)

Foundation books translated into French include the following: A Talk Given on A Course in Miracles, The Most Commonly Asked Questions about A Course in Miracles, Ending Our Resistance to Love, The Fifty Miracle Principles, Awaken from the Dream, The Healing Power of Kindness–Volume1: Releasing Judgment and The Healing Power of Kindness–Volume 2: Forgiving Our Limitations. For ordering information, please contact Les Éditions Octave Inc.

The French translation of The Arch of Forgiveness is available only through Amazon, including Amazon France, Amazon Canada, Amazon Germany, Amazon UK, and Amazon US. From Futility to Happiness: Sisyphus as Everyman will also be available through Amazon in early 2022.

UK Distributor

UK Flag

The Foundation's distributor of books, CDs and DVDs in the UK is Miracle Network, 12A Barness Court, 6/8 Westbourne Terrace, London W2 3UW. They may be contacted by phone at (020) 72762 0209 or E-mail: [email protected]. Their web address is

Japanese Website

Japan Flag

We are very pleased to announce the newly created website, where many of the Foundation's articles and teaching materials will be available for Japanese students of A Course in Miracles. The development of the site was undertaken by our Japanese translators Miyoko Kato and Yoshiko Sawai, whose excellent work we have supervised for many years.

Italian Website

Italy Flag

We are very pleased to inform you of an Italian website——where many of the Foundation's articles and teaching materials are available for Italian speaking students of A Course in Miracles. The website is a collaborative venture undertaken by our Italian translators Isabella Popani and Fulvio Merlino, together with Patrizia Terreno, whose excellent work we have supervised for many years. Through this website you can order the Italian version of our book The Most Commonly Asked Questions about A Course in Miracles.