Q&A - Preface


Gloria Wapnick

In 2002, as part of its electronic outreach, the Foundation began its Question and Answer service, which was designed to help students of A Course in Miracles with their understanding of its theory and practice. The idea for the website was the brainchild of Derek Best, who brought his concept to Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick, directors of the Foundation. Derek volunteered his time and expertise by creating and maintaining the Question & Answer website during the fourteen years preceding his death in 2016. The Foundation continues to be grateful for Derek’s faithful shepherding of this valuable resource.

The nearly 1,400 questions were submitted by students at the Foundation’s Question and Answer website through 2008. Some questions were answered by Kenneth but most were assigned by him to staff members and one other person he selected. Kenneth then reviewed all answers and made revisions accordingly before they were posted.

While many tech-savvy students were able to convert the website to applications for use on their computers, we received numerous requests from students with more limited computer skills that we publish the Question and Answer Service in book or pamphlet form. Responding to these requests and considering the expense of hosting the service over the past 16 years, the Foundation decided to produce this searchable digital file and make it available for sale. Before his death in December 2013, Kenneth had already set in motion the process of preparing the Questions and Answers for publication. The PDF file can be read on almost any device, does not require an internet connection, and can be printed if desired.

The Index lists the topics of the questions in alphabetical order. The question numbers pertaining to each topic are to the right of the entry. Clicking a number brings up that question and answer.


We are grateful to the many Course students who proofread the material for this PDF publication.